Sunday, May 30, 2010

Eating Well with Busy Schedules

So many of us are busier than we'd like to be... Sometimes this crunch on our time leads to less than ideal food choices for not only ourselves...but our children too.  What to do? Help is here!  

There are many ways in which to prepare easy nutritious & delicious meals without always using every pot & pan each night.(including clean up)

#1 Take time on the weekend to create your weekly menu. Include eating out routines or special occasions.
#2 Pre-chop fruits & veggies for a few days & pack half in to-go containers for snacks.
#3 Get your greens in.  Salads are fast & easy, just go light on the dressing. Steam leafy greens or veggies like broccoli in minutes.
#4 Choose & make your soups well.  Most recipes yield enough to refrigerate for later on in the week AND many soups are nutrient packed & satiate a hearty appetite.
#5 Explore grains.  Quick to cook (15-30 mins), these complex carbs are high in protein=excellent fuel for our busy bodies.Just as versatile as rice but much healthier, quinoa for example is great in soups, salads & just about everything else.
#6 Eat Beans.  Although most types need to soak for a while(usually 4-8 hours), this can be done Sunday and then cooked & stored.  Once soaked, BLACK beans cook only for 30 minutes. Use them in burritos, salads & sides. 
#7 Go nuts for nuts! (and seeds too) Walnuts, almonds cashews sesame & pumpkin are among my favorites. Bag a medley and munch at your convenience. 
#8 Add lemon to your water and drink plenty of it. This will flush and balance your body's PH.
#9 Silly but brilliant. Make an almond butter and natural jelly sandwich every night for the next day. You can't anticipate a traffic jam or other catastrophes until you are stuck starving, wondering if pocket lint is edible. You CAN, however, anticipate your body's primal need for sustenance.
#10  Learn to love sprouts.  Regular beans fine.  Sprouted beans divine! All that living, growing energy is passed into our bodies to use. Throw them over salads, soups or just eat as a snack.
#11 Use herbs. Cilantro, basil, dill, rosemary, mint all brighten up dishes in a big way.
#12  Know your spices. Fearlessly experiment with your preferences.
#13 Invest in fine olive oil & balsamic vinegar. Two simple necessities.
#14 Splurge on a gourmet twist... like a tasty black or white truffle oil.What ever your something special is, the idea is to turn a simple meal into a culinary delight.
#15 Eat with gratitude & joy.

Hopefully these tips can help guide those with challenging schedules... Remember, although our bodies are resilient, diet is a direct path to wellness. Honor your temple!

love & light, 

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Gina Zea R.Y.T.
Certified Yoga Instructor