Favorite Recipes

As a new vegan, the quinoa grain has recently become a staple in my diet. In fact, I continue to explore new ways to present it's unique, nutty flavor to my palate and I've surprised myself with one tasty dish after another.

Revered by the Incans, this 6 thousand year old grain was known as "chiyasa mama", or mother of all grains.  What is SO special about Quinoa? Simply put, it is a Super Grain. Although it is really a seed from a species closer to beets or other leafy greens, this tiny pellet packs a serious nutritional punch!  Quinoa has a balanced set of amino acids, lots of magnesium & iron AND is high in LYSINE (unlike wheat and rice) which aids in tissue growth and repair.

Here are two of my current favorites recipes:

Summer Quinoa

1 cup of quinoa
2 c water
2 plum tomatoes, chopped
fresh curled parsley (to taste)
2-3  scallions (chopped with roots)
fresh squeezed lemon  juice (to taste- I prefer 2 tbs)
1tbs olive oil
sea salt (to taste)
fresh cracked black pepper (to taste)

Rinse the quinoa very well in a strainer as they are mercilessly bitter due to the saponins.  2 cups of water for each cup of grain. A rice cooker cooks it perfectly everytime. Just add your salt & olive oil. When cooked, transfer the Quinoa to a serving bowl and allow it to cool just a bit. Add the remaining ingredients & enjoy!

Quinoa with Basil & Toasted Pinenuts

I stole this one from one of my favorite recipe books, The Kind Diet, by Alicia Silverstone.  Despite my aversion towards pinenuts, I tried the recipe because #1 they were toasted & EVERYTHING is better slightly toasted and #2 basil is one of my top three herbs. Needless to say, it was outrageously delicious.

1 c of quinoa
2 c of water
1/4 - 1/2 cup of pinenuts
1 c of chopped fresh basil
1 tbs + olive oil (extra to taste)
sea salt (to taste)
fresh cracked black pepper (to taste)

Rinse and cook quinoa in rice cooker, adding salt & olive oil.(Refer to previous recipe)  While grain is cooking, toast pinenuts on medium in a small pot, tossing every few minutes until golden all over. Set aside. Rinse and chop basil. Once quinoa is cooked, transfer into serving bowl to cool slightly.  Add pinenuts, basil and other ingredients. Sit down for your first delectable bite.How often can we create a taste sensation without hours of slaving away in the kitchen? What a gift!